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Region 4 Winners and Losers

Region 4 Winners and Losers

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Steel Angel Kurumi 2-Volume 1=


    I bought the Region 1 version of this disc some time ago. It is quite similar to this one, with pretty much identical disc content. The packaging is a little different...

    The Region 1 disc cover starts with a shot of Kurumi and Nako in school uniform (we get this shot in miniposter form). But if you open the cover you can discover that the school uniforms are on an acetate sheet, and can be removed. Underneath you'll find the girls in their underwear (a pose we get as the inside of the reversible cover). And inside the package you'll find a second acetate sheet with Kurumi's maid outfit and Nako's shrine maiden outfit so you can dress them that way, too — that's the shot we get on the cover (and I think it's the better choice). The inside of their cover slick shows the image of Kurumi, Nako, and Karinka in bed (we get this on the other side of the miniposter).

    So we get all the images that the Region 1 package offers, but we get them in a more convenient (albeit less cutesy) form.

    The transfer on the Region 1 is essentially the same as the Region 4.

    You get effectively the same thing whether you buy the Region 1 or the Region 4. So it's truly excessive to buy both (and yes, I have done so).